Friday, November 20, 2009

for everything you learn, there's something you must let go of

I saw The Swell Season on Thursday. I have to say-- the most incredible concert ever. Pretty sure it tops everything else--even Good Charlotte.

...okay, I've obviously kidding. I wish I were kidding about having seen Good Charlotte, but sadly I'm only kidding about that GC show being near the top of my list. Truthfully, and more seriously, this show topped Bela Fleck at Spreckels and Jon Brion at Largo. And yes, that's a bold claim.

The old Frames' stuff was my favorite part of the whole night...there's something so incredible about their lyrics, something so cool and subversively spiritual. I like that kind of lyricism the best, because when the spirituality is a little bit buried underneath something, oddly, it always seems like there's more there. That's when the important parts come through: redemption, creative love, creation, and humility.

When he introduced "Backbroke," and explained that it was about finding peace in the midst of hellish situations, Glen Hansard prefaced the song by claiming,

"I'm not a spiritual person, really, but this song describes the feeling of an old Irish song, 'Dancing at the Feet of my Lord', which I think is the most beautiful title for any song ever written, and the most beautiful description of peace I've ever heard."

Before he started the song, he said rather quietly, away from his mic, "," and gestured sheepishly up toward the ceiling with his free hand. The look of his face was pretty indescribable, the most humble I've seen anybody look in a long time. There was more worship in that action that in 95% of the 'worship' I've seen. And, for better or for worse, I've seen plenty of people gettin' their worship on, if you know what I mean. I was a camp counselor, for goodness sake.

Listen to "Red Cord" and "People Get Ready"and "Backbroke" and you'll know what I mean. I think, anyway. I hope you do.

And then listen to everything else, too, please.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could've been there! I know I missed out. Blerg.

    But I'm so glad you had fun. What an awesome experience.
