Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Why am I looking through college pictures right now? I have no idea. I think I'm wistfully enjoying the memories of a time when life was all about me. Isn't that the point of college?

Anyway, I found some magnetic poetry that adorned our fridge senior year. I really think none of us could have known how applicable this advice was. I don't remember who wrote it; I'm pretty sure I didn't.

Also, while I don't consider the bit in the lower corner to have anything to do with the poem, it is still quite amusing.


  1. Great poem(s)! As the inventor of Magnetic Poetry and someone who's seen a lot of them, I don't say that lightly!

    -Dave Kapell

  2. I think it was Christie who composed it, but I am not sure. Such good memories. :) In fact, I found another fridge-magnet poem from the D--my sister, 13 at the time, composed it when she visited us. I was amazed:

    "Read this in time together with those you love
    Let beauty drive
    and light soar
    through your skin
    above the sun
    in the sky and wind
    Use your enormous delirious elaborate gorgeous life
    to sing in sweetness.
    Live in it
    And always

    the end."

  3. Wow...Dave Kapell!

    Thanks for reading my blog! I am a huge fan of your invention!

    And Lace, that poem is wonderful. I remember it, actually. We were such a good group...so literary, so hilarious...good times.

  4. I think Kelly Bamboo composed the poem. kb

  5. Brandon and I sneaked into your kitchen one afternoon and threw that together. We were drunk.
