Wednesday, July 21, 2010

gmap love

I know I don't write much about my current life. This is intentional.

However, one thing I do want you to know is I am running a 1/2 marathon in about 1/2 a month.

I've done my first 9 mile run. Did that a week ago. T'was fun.

I've often tried to nail down what it is I love about running. It is so different from most everything else I do. I am not inherently an active person. I am not the type of girl who can, say, catch a kickball. In fact, I've been know to let a male teammate sprint across the entire kickball field in order to catch a pop-fly that was headed directly for me. (Buy hey, he wanted to. I didn't ask him to run in front of me, he just appeared there. And then he dropped it.)

I don't know why running has stuck, but I've been a fairly dedicated runner for at least 4 years now. I like that it's a solitary activity. I like sprinting the last block. I like the second wind around mile 3. I like the excuse to listen to cheesy/overly intense/downright bizarre music. (It's "motivation"--don't judge) I like the fact that, while running, I'm forced to be extremely present.

And I like gmaps pedometer. This is the greatest toy ever. When I finish an especially grueling run, I come home, plunk my laptop onto the carpet, and track my milage while I stretch. It is the most satisfying feeling in the world. I only wish someone could hack into real life and make those little red markers pop up at each mile.

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