Tuesday, May 26, 2009

twitter's top tweeter

Well, it's certainly an interesting time to be alive, I'll say that much.  

For example, it's odd that we've welcomed the verb "tweeted" into our vocabulary with so little resistance. It's a stupid, stupid word. Sure, people still are a little sheepish when they actually say this word, but they are becoming less and less so. Soon it will just be normal.  This article uses the verb an inordinate amount of times.  This article is perhaps the most annoying thing I have ever read in my entire life.  


  1. I may be in the minority here, but I don't understand the appeal of Twitter. I mean, I enjoy Facebook status updates as much as the next person (maybe more than I should, actually), but I don't want to live my entire life in 140-character headlines. And you're absolutely right about the word "tweet." That verb should be reserved for birds. Preferably the kind that appear in Disney films.

  2. Also: Hi! We should catch up soon.

  3. Hi! :) We definitely should. I miss you, friend!
