Tuesday, November 15, 2011

some notes on music

Over The Rhine played the El Rey this Sunday! So good.

During the show, Linford gave quite a bit of background on the songs. Not just what inspired them, but exactly how they developed. It was encouraging to hear their process: certain songs took years to complete, while others came in just a few minutes.

Well, I don't know if encouraging is the right word there...I don't know the word. It's such a mystery why some songs/poems just tug at your sleeve, asking to be recorded, while others ramble around inside you for years, always too ornery to be captured with words and written down. I guess it's good to know that's a universal issue for writers; it gives a feeling of solidarity.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite Over the Rhine songs, and this one, according the Linford, "wrote itself," so to speak. Have a listen:

Latter Days (oh please don't watch the video, it's so silly. Just listen.)

P.S. Oh! Oh! The Milk Carton Kids opened the show. How to describe them...Um, if a movie was to be made about my life, I would choose them for the credits/exit music. If that does not entice you, then you should also know that their music is ALL FREE off their website, and they sound like Simon & Garfunkel, if those guys had been listening to Bon Iver while they were writing stuff. Do with that what you will...

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